Quilted toiletry bag with selvage fabric

For a unique and thoughtful gift or an essential accessory for travel, this quilted toiletry bag tutorial is the perfect DIY project.

With easy-to-follow instructions and detailed illustrations, you will be able to create a one-of-a-kind DIY toiletry bag and customize it to your style with fabric selvage.


– Selvages – Quilting cotton fabric – Double sided fusible interfacing – Rotary cutter


Prepare the quilted panels

Start by making your panels from selvage fabric.

Attach the zipper to the edges covered in binding, sewing in the ditch (right below the binding). The panels should be on top of the zip. Now you have the front side of the bag ready.


Sew the pouch


Place the front right side up, open the zipper half way through and top with the panel 3#, placed wrong side up. Sew all around the rectangle with 1/4″ allowance.

Trim the zipper if needed. Mark a square of 2 1/2″ on both bottom corners and cut out.


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